Simple exponential diophantine equations

I'd like to have at hand some simple cases (while outstanding famous examples are provided b y literature and Internet).


2^x - 3^y = 1

Let me render this equation in $\LaTeX$: $$2^x-3^y=1$$ That's better. We consider here non-negative integers $x\ y$ only. It's easy to guess the whole set of solutions:

We will see that there are no more solutions but the above two. First of all let's observe that for any value of $y$ (or respectively for $x$) there is at the most value of $x$ (respectively of $y$)  such that the pair  $(x\ y)$  is a solution, i.e. such that  $2^x-3^y=1$. In particular, there are no solutions when  $y=2$.

Let's consider exponents  $x\mod 6$. As you will see in a moment three classes  $\mod 6$  will be treated as one case, then the remaining three classes will form separate three cases, for a total of four. Each case will be decided by the respective congruence at the basic (not exponent) level:

Case 1.  $\ \forall_{y\ge 1}\ \ 2^{2\cdot a+1} - 3^y\equiv 2\mod 3\ \ $ hence   $2^{2\cdot a+1} - 3^y\ne 1$;

Case 2.  $\ \forall_{y\ge 2}\ \ 2^{6\cdot a+2} - 3^y\equiv 4\mod 9\ \ $ hence   $2^{6\cdot a+2} - 3^y\ne 1$;

Case 3.  $\ \forall_{y\ge 2}\ \ 2^{6\cdot a+4} - 3^y\equiv 7\mod 9\ \ $ hence   $2^{6\cdot a+4} - 3^y\ne 1$;

Case 4.  $\ \forall_{y\ge 2}\ \ 2^{6\cdot a} - 3^y\equiv 1 - 3^y\mod 9\ \ $ hence   $2^{6\cdot a} - 3^y\ne 1$;

Thus there are no solutions besides the two entioned above:

THEOREM 0  An ordered pair  $(x\ y)$  of non-negative integers satisfies equality  $2^x-3^y=1\ \Leftrightarrow\ \ (x\ y)=(1\ 0)$  or  $(2\ 1)$.

REMARK 0  In Case 4 above we could consider  $2^{3\cdot b}$  instead of  $2^{6\cdot a}$.  This would cover two residue classes  $\mod 6$  (but it'd be a confusing overkill, hey!). The whole proof above seems to be somewhat ad hoc. Nothing terrible about except that I remember getting a nicer one in the past (years ago). I am sure that working  $\mod 7$  at the basic level would be preferable, I might try it later.

2^x - 5^y = 1

Let me render this equation in $\LaTeX$: $$2^x-5^y=1$$ That's better. We consider here non-negative integers $x\ y$ only. It's easy to guess the whole set of solutions:

and there are no other solutions. Of course, this  $(x\ y) = (1\ 0)$  is the only solution for  $y=0$.  Now assume that  $y>1$.  There exists non-negative integers  $(d\ r)$  such that  $x=4\cdot d + r$,  where  $0\le r < 4$.  Consider the following computation  $\mod 5$:

$$2^x-5^y\equiv 2^{4\cdot d+r}=16^d\cdot 2^r\equiv 2^r\mod 5$$

Thus for  $y>0$ we get:

$$2^x-5^y\equiv 1\mod 5\quad\Leftrightarrow\quad r=0$$

i.e. when the equality holds,

$$2^x = 16^d\equiv 1 \mod 3$$


$$1 = 2^x-5^y\equiv 1-5^y\mod 3$$

i.e.   $5^y\equiv 0\mod 3$,   a contradiction. This proves

THEOREM 1  An ordered pair  $(x\ y)$  of non-negative integers satisfies equality  $2^x-5^y=1\ \Leftrightarrow\ \ (x\ y)=(1\ 0)$.