    ( -1 { ∀ ∅ } )
    _<<  anchor  >>_
    (   0    0    2014-05-01;23:30    ∀
        ( { }  { }    { { 2014-05-02;03:40 [ 2 ] }  { 2014-05-02;04:05 [ 3 ] } }   { { 2014-05-02;01:40 [ 1 ] } } )
        { }
        _<< hints in English--the top dabatem: the daba, all, everything, universe. Source of name ∀ : LATEX. >>_
    _<<  anchor  >>_
    (   1    1    2014-05-02;01:40    ∅
        ( { { 2014-05-02;03:40 [ 2 ] }    { 2014-05-03;17:28  [ ∅lan ] }  }    {  0   { 2014-05-02;04:05 [ 3 ] }  { 2014-05-02;05:50 [ 4 ] }  {  2014-05-02;06:06  [ 5] }  }   { }  { } )
        { { }  ( ) }

        _<< hints in English--the buttom dabatem: emptiness, empty set, nothingness. >>_
        _<< $\emptyset$ and the empty lists  { }  and  ( )  are all the same. That's what
               the last dabanese line above says. >>_

    _<<   anchor >>_
    (   2  2    2014-05-02;03:40    mcr
         ( 0  ∅  1  ∅ )
∅ _<< hint in English: mcr stands for macro and macro definitions, and for substitutions, especially for string substitutions. >>_ _<< The ordered lists ( $\ emptyset\ $ mcr { } ) and ( $ \emptyset\ $ mcr { } ) are examples of macros; we may even state equivalence: { mcr [ { } $\emptyset$ ] ) as well as { [ $\emptyset\ $ ( ) ] mcr } >>_ ) _<< anchor >>_ ( 3 3 2014-05-02;04:05 lan ( 0 ∅ { { 2014-05-02;05:50 [ 4 ] } { 2014-05-02;06:06 [ 5 ] } }   1 )

_<< hint in English: language, code. >>_ )
    _<<   anchor >>_
    (   4  4    2014-05-02;05:50    dbn
         ( { 3 }  ∅   { 1 }  ∅ )

_<< dabaness >>_ )
    _<<   anchor >>_
    (   5  5    2014-05-02;06:06    ndb
         ( { 3 }  ∅   { 1 }  ∅ )

_<< not dabaness, i.e. any language or code but dabanese >>_ )

_<< anchor >>_ ( 6 6 2014-05-03;17:28 ∅lan
( { 4 5 } ∅ { 1 }  ∅ )
         { ∅ [ lan ] }
_<< the least "lan" dabatem >>_ )