Everything 2014++

Introduction to Tangia (2014++)


When I say Tangia I mean poetry. But different people mean different things by poetry. Thus I let them. Instead myself, I am talking about Tangia. And this way I also honor the great Chinese poets of the Tang dynasty, first of all Du Fu.

By talking about poetry (Tangia) I mean assisting the working poets. Possibly, the best poets don't need any assistance. But a majority do (assuming that poets want to learn their craft). In other arts, think about music or painting, students learn their craft for years. The same goes for sports. Even when they are top artists or sportsmen they still study from others for years (in the case of most of the sportsmen--for the length of their career).

Thus I absorbed, and still do, the combined knowledge and poems of the old Chinese poets, of skalds, of Japanese haiku masters, and of a number of other poets, including anonymous folk authors. Actually, my erudition is limited, which is my drawback. I somewhat make up for my shortcoming by getting deeply into the notions (definitions), analysis, etc. When I introduce a notion or make it more precise, I don't care about the so-called true meaning of words and notions--true meaning makes no sense. Instead, I make my ideas useful to the working poet.

I hope that I can offer something also to poetry translators, instructors, readers, and even to other critics.