AofA quick overview

Index to AofA quick overview

One and only one commandment

The World is CHAOS. There is no God, no harmony, no order, no sense, ... It follows that noone (or to be precise, no audult who is in possesion of their faculties) should allow to be imposed by anyone, nor should impose on anynody else.

No imposition

That 's the one and only commandment. You shall not impose on any pretext like morals, rightness, etc. Any imposition is a result of any one to three factors: manipulation, intimidation, force (including violence). Those who justify imposition are hipocrites.

The non-imposition principle should not be abused. When someone imposes on you, you have an obligation to resist. The world is chaos.

REMARK  You may arrive at the No Imposition principle also under some different views of the world, different from CHAOS. For instance, you may believe in God. Then you may akcnowledge that you are a human, and not God. Thus imposing is not permitted for humans. Imposing should be considered a sin.


A ray of hope

Many may feel that a world without harmony, and even without sense would be depressing. That's up to anyone's subjective psychology. Actually, a part of chaos are fluctuations. There is no chaos without them. Some fluctuations can be persistent, so that may give an illusion of order.  They are still a part of chaos. Fluctuations cover an entire spectrum. Some of the fluctuations can be terrible: epidemies, wars, in particular WWI and especially WWII, and more recent genocides in Asia and Africa, ... . On the other hand, there are also happy fluctuations. Our goal is to strive for happy fluctuations. This means for persistents fluctuations free of imposition.


Three cornerstones of happy humanity

They are:

Here are a few introductory words about them below, just for the starters:

Art of Agreement

Half of the Art of Agreement (AofA for short) is the attitude (philosophy), and half of it is thinking (Science, Art of Thinking). The attitude should be: never allow for any impositions. Don't take any shortcuts to achive a goal by forcing others to subdue others. You should feel disgusted and dirty when you impose on others or allow other to impose on you. Instead of imposing on others--think! Thus for instance, don't believe in voting. Instead, look for non-imposing solutions. Think. Young scientists study their problems for years befiore they propose a solution. They do not vote. And you should not solve social problems by voting. Propaganda, pressures, voting, ... are wrong. You need to arrive at agreements.

AofA applies to the whole humanity, and to all groups (including organizations), and to personal relations too.

As an example, a fundamental principle of AofA is simplicity and minimality. It's amazing how deeply all kind of human issues can be affected, in the most positive way, by simplicity and minimality. We need to recognize it and followed it in a highly disciplined way. This means that before making excuses for violating simplicity or minimality, one should think twice, and another time, until one arrives at a solution which is simple and minimal. I am sure that you must feel the importance of simplicity and minimality in law, politics, economy, education, for organizations, ... AofA will make these issues explicit.

Another principle is incremetality of social changes (to lessen the pains of a variate nature). Etc.

There is also a meta-principle of AofA: many people have to contribute to AofA continuously, on everyday basis, when they are socialy active; AofA cannot be a frozen body of any dogmas; it has to adjust to the changing world. The basic principles, like simplicity or incrementality, have to serve as a compass, while the ever new situations always call for more thinking.


We need, already at the earliest age, to raise children in the respect of non-imposition. It should--no, it must be taught also and especially on the intelectual level.

And first of all, education itself should be among the best examples of applying the AofA. This means that the education should be done by people, e.g. by businesses, parents, charity, ... In particular, all intitutions which evaluate education should also be private businesses, voluntary organizations, etc. Any government, state or federal or whatever, can be only an intruder and a parasite.

As it is, the government is a big player in the field of education. But all kind of free educational activities should be much more active than today, they should make the presence of government in education obsolete (we are talking about a non-violent opposition to governments; it should be always non-violent unless one is forced into resisting). And the income tax for education should be gradually atrophied and ltimately abolished. It'd be only natural. All this should take just a few years once people realize their potential. With the free approach to education the enormous intellectual potential of the society would be released. What stops people is their lack of thinking, laziness, lack of imagination, ... . We need Art of Agreement.


Charity represents goodness and heart. It is a necessary cornerstone of a free human society. Perhaps only a small percentage of people are charitable. That's fine; under free circumstances, it'd be more than sufficient. And anyway, the society cannot be better than people themselves. Any imposed charity is not charity but bandatism, parasitism, and other awful isms. Actions which commit impositions to supposedly help the poor or sick people, etc. are ultimately counter-productive and disgusting.

Art of Agreement considers charity as one of the most important social activities.

Domains of AofA

Art of Agreement applies to every activity which involves two or more humans.

Digression:  Actually, similar principles may be applied to other complex non-human domains but it would not be AofA proper.

The following is a listing of some of the possible AofA domains. Actually, the list feels quite exhaustive and is covering a large proportion of possibilities. Thus here in addition to the main domains I will provide the main subdomains only for economy:

Prosperous society

Technology should assure prosperity around the globe. You wish.

Indeed, people work, they still know how to work, with each day they learn better how to work, nothing changes, and suddenly there is a painful economic crisis, people are suffering, the system doesn't make sense. Why crisis?

By the way, every time a region (country, nation, ...) climbs onto the orbit of applying itself to work, and to achieving technological and material progress, the new addition to the working part of the world should be supported, we should all rejoice. The road may be bumpy for the region and for some other people but that's the place for Art of Agreement, both within each involved groups of people as well as globally.

Of several problems which cause the wide spread of poverty I'd like here to mention briefly a key issue. it's necessary to change the whole understanding of finances (of money, funds, currences, ...). The first thing to do in democratic societies would be to switch to Easy Tax. (It will be also necessary to reduce income tax too; there even ultimately should be no income tax at all as it is understood today). A switch to Easy Tax would allow to push economy forward, and would have several other positive effects. But first of all the crucial change (permitted by Easy Tax) would be gradual change of the notion of money (and related notions). As the result, the total value of money in the whole world would go down to only a small fraction of the value of the totl economy.

As it is now, the continuous stealing (mostly legal while immoral) makes some people rich while most of the people live in uncertainty. Abstract financial operations cause people to lose non-abstract hard won wealth. But once there is less money (as it's understood today) there will be less to steal. People would lead a much more comfortable life.

The sad truth about money can be summarized as follows:

The easiest money is money.